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making your mark in the world

What's in a name? Not a lot if that name isn't known. For a name to be remembered requires more. A brand is about the whole package.

In simple forms this includes letterheads, business cards, websites, advertising and signage. Anything and everything where your target audience will see your name or insignia. To have this audience remember who you are before they remember your competition is the difference between branding and just your name and number in the Yellow Pages.

At DiJ8 Ltd we see your name in lights. Which means designing your logo and everything around it to be effective and suitable for your business. DiJ8 Ltd considers your type of business and target audience when designing and developing branding. Colours and level of complexity are important. Professional companies often prefer clean and simple logos. DiJ8 Limited recognises the needs of different companies and will develop a brand consistent with the style and standing in the community of your company, whether that be clean and reserved or rich and flamboyant.

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